Current research

Observing the baboons

From ecology to physiology and evolution, ABRP has tackled research questions on a wide range of topics. Areas of special interest include the evolution of social behavior, behavioral endocrinology, functional genetics and genomics, disease ecology, sexual selection, aging, and demography. Links to our publications in these areas can be found here.

We currently have grants from both the NIH and NSF to pursue the following questions. Click the links for summaries of each project.

How do genes and the environment influence gene expression?

How does sex contribute to differences in health and survival?

What are the causes and consequences of social connectedness?

What are the behavioral causes and consequences of hybridization between yellow and olive baboons?

How does social structure influence the transmission of infectious agents?


A long-term perspective

Our research depends on tracking the lives of hundreds of individual animals in several social groups. We think such long-term, longitudinal data on wild animals offers the best opportunity for novel, innovative research in ecology, evolution, genetics, physiology and behavior.


Collaborating institutions

Princeton, Duke, Notre Dame, and Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology

Princeton University

Duke University

University of Notre Dame

Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology






Additional Partner Institutions

Kenya Wildlife Service, University of Nairobi, Institute of Primate Research, The George Washington University, National Museums of Kenya, Enduimet Wildlife Management Area
















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