Publications in alphabetical order

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Akinyi M.Y. 2010. Grooming and its effect on the prevalence of tick borne disease: A case study of wild yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus). M.Sc. Thesis, University of Nairobi.


Akinyi M.Y., Gesquiere L.A.,  Franz M.,  Onyango P.O., Altmann J., Alberts S.C. 2017. Hormonal correlates of natal dispersal and rank attainment in wild male baboons. Hormones and Behavior 94: 153–161 [Supplementary materials]


Akinyi M.Y.,  Jansen, D., Habig, B., Gesquiere L.R., Alberts, S.C. Archie, E.A. 2019. Costs and drivers of helminth parasite infection in wild female baboons. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:1029-1043


Akinyi M.Y., Tung, J., Jeneby, M., Patel, N.B., Altmann, J., Alberts, S.C. 2013. Role of grooming in reducing tick loads in wild baboons (Papio cynocephalus). Animal Behaviour 85:559-568.[Supplementary material]

Alberts S.C. 1992. Maturation and dispersal in male baboons Papio cynocephalus. Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago.

Alberts S.C. 1994. Vigilance in young baboons: effects of habitat, age, sex and maternal rank on glance rate. Animal Behaviour 47:749-755.

Alberts S.C. 1999. Paternal kin discrimination in wild baboons. Proceeding Royal Society London B Bio 266:1501-1506.

Alberts S.C. 1999. Thirteen MHC-DQA1 alleles from two populations of baboons. Immunogenetics 49:825-827.

Alberts S.C. 2012. Magnitude and sources of variation in male reproductive performance. In: Evolution of Primate Societies. Edited by Mitani J., Call J., Kappeler P., Palombit R., and Silk J.B., University of Chicago Press.

Alberts S.C. 2016. The Challenge of Survival for Wild Infant Baboons. American Scientist 104:366-373

Alberts S.C. 2019. Social influences on survival and reproduction: Insights from a long‐term study of wild baboons. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:47–66

Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 1995. Balancing costs and opportunities: dispersal in male baboons. American Naturalist 145:279-306.

Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 1995. Preparation and activation: determinants of age at reproductive maturity in male baboons. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 36:397-406.

Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 2001. Immigration and hybridization patterns of yellow and Anubis baboons in and around Amboseli, Kenya. American Journal of Primatology 53:139-154.

Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 2003. Matrix models for primate life history analysis. Ch. 4, pp. 66-102. In: Kappeler P.,  Pereira M.E. (eds.). Primate Life History and Socioecology, University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

Alberts S.C.,  Altmann J. 2006. The evolutionary past and the research future: environmental variation and life history flexibility in a primate lineage (uncorrected proof). In: Swedell L., Leigh S. (eds.). Reproduction and Fitness in Baboons: Behavioral, Ecological and Life History Perspectives. Springer.

Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 2012. "The Amboseli Baboon Research Project: 40 Years of Continuity and Change". Pp 261-288 In: Long-term field studies of primates. Edited by Kappeler P. and Watt D.P. Spring Verlag.


Alberts S.C., Altmann J.A., Brockman D.K., Cords M., Fedigan L.M., Pusey A., Stoinski T.S., Strier K.B., Morris W.F., Bronikowski A.M. 2013. Reproductive aging patterns in primates reveal that humans are unique. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 33:13440-13445.

Alberts S.C., Altmann J., Wilson M.L. 1996. Mate guarding constrains foraging activity of male baboons. Animal Behaviour 51:1269-1277.

Alberts S.C., Archie E.A., Gesquiere L.R., Altmann J.A., Vaupel J.W., Christiansen K. 2014 The male-female health-survival paradox: A comparative perspective on sex differences in aging and mortality.  In: Advances in Biogeography: Cross-Species Comparisons of Social Environments and Social Behaviors, and their Effects on Health and Longevity. (Eds. Weinstein, M., Lane, M.) Washington, DC: National Research Council and National Academies Press. pp. 339-363

Alberts S.C., Buchan J.C., Altmann J. 2006. Sexual selection in wild baboons: from mating opportunities to paternity success. Animal Behaviour 72:1177-1196.

Alberts S.C., Fitzpatrick C.L. 2012. Paternal care and the evolution of exaggerated sexual swellings in primates. Behavioral Ecology 23: 699-706.

Alberts S.C., Hollister-Smith J., Mututua R.S., Sayialel S.N., Muruthi P.M., Warutere J.K., Altmann J. 2005. Seasonality and long term change in a savannah environment. Pp. 157-196. In: Brockman D.K., van Schaik C.P. (eds). Primate Seasonality: Implications for Human Evolution. Cambridge University Press.

Alberts S.C., Sapolsky R.M., Altmann J. 1992. Behavioral, endocrine and immunological correlates of immigration by an aggressive male into a natural primate group. Hormones and Behavior 26:167-178.

Alberts S.C., Watts H.E., Altmann J. 2003. Queuing and queue-jumping: Long term patterns of reproductive skew among male savannah baboons. Animal Behaviour 65:821-840.

Altmann J. 1974. Observational study of behavior: sampling methods. Behaviour 49: 227-267 [reprinted in Foundations of Animal Behavior L.D. Houck L.D., Drickamer L.C., eds. U Chicago Press, 1996].

Altmann J. 1978. Infant independence in yellow baboons. Pp. 253-277. In: The Development of Behavior. Garland STPM Press, New York.

Altmann J. 1979. Age cohorts as paternal sibships. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 6:161-164.

Altmann J. 1979. Ecology of motherhood and infancy. Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago.

Altmann J. 1980. Baboon Mothers and Infants. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.

Altmann J. 1983. Costs of reproduction in baboons. Pp 67-88. In: Aspey W.P., Lustick S. I. (eds.). Behavioral Energetics: the cost of survival in vertebrates. Ohio State University Press, Columbus, Ohio.

Altmann J. 1984. Sociobiological perspectives on parenthood. Pp. 9-23. In: Cohen R., Cohler B., Weissman S. (eds.). Parenthood: A Psychodynamic Perspective. Guilford, New York.

Altmann J. 1986. Adolescent pregnancies in nonhuman primates: an ecological and developmental perspective. Pp. 247-262. In: Lancaster J., Hamburg B. (eds.). School Age Pregnancy and Parenthood: Bisocial Dimensions. Aldine, Chicago.

Altmann J. 1986. Parent offspring interactions in anthropoid primates: an evolutionary perspective. Pp. 15-29. In: Niteki M., Kitchell J. (eds.). The Evolultion of Behavior. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Altmann J. 1988. Foreword. In: Ecology and Behavior of Food Enhanced Primate Groups. Alan R Liss, New York.

Altmann J. 1988. Life span aspects of reproduction and parental care in anthropoid primates. Pp. 15-29. In: Lancaster J. (ed.). Parenthood Across the Lifespan. Aldine, Chicago.

Altmann J. 1989. Baboons in two worlds. Bison 4:10-17

Altmann J. 1992. Leading Ladies. Natural History 2:48-49.

Altmann J. 1993 Baby Watch. Bison 7:31-33

Altmann J. 1997. Mate choice and intrasexual reproductive competition: contributions to reproduction that go beyond acquiring more mates. Pp. 320-333. In: Gowaty P.A. (ed.). Feminism and Evolutionary Biology: boundaries intersections and frontiers, Chapman Hall, New York.

Altmann J. 2000. Predicting male distribution among primate groups. Pp. 236-247. In: Kappeler P. (ed.). Primate Males: Causes and consequences of variation in group composition. Cambridge University Press, New York.

Altmann J. 2009.  Motherhood, methods, and monkeys: an intertwined professional and personal life. Ch. 2, pp. 39-58. In: Drickamer L, and Dewsbury D (eds.). Leaders in Animal Behavior. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge MA.

Altmann J. "Beauty and Attraction: in the 'eye' of the beholder'. Chapter to appear in Darwin College symposium volume, Beauty. Cambridge University Press.

Altmann J., Alberts S. 1987. Body mass and growth rates in a wild primate population. Oecologia 72:15-20.

Altmann J., Alberts S.C. 2003. Intraspecific variability in fertility and offspring survival in a nonhuman primate: behavioral control of ecological and social sources. Ch. 6, pp. 140-169. In: Wachter K.W., Bulatao R.A. (eds). Offspring: The Biodemography of Fertility and Family Behavior. National Academy Press: Washington, DC.

Altmann J., Alberts S.C. 2003. Variability in reproductive success viewed from a life-history perspective in baboons. American Journal of Human Biology 15:401-409.

Altmann J., Alberts S.C. 2005. Growth rates in a wild primate population: ecological influences and maternal effects. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57:490-501.

Altmann J., Alberts S.C., Altmann S.A., Roy S.B. 2002. Dramatic change in local climate patterns in the Amboseli basin. African Journal of Ecology 40:248-251.

Altmann J., Alberts S.C., Haines S.A., Dubach J., Muruthi P., Coote T., Geffen E., Cheesman D.J., Mututua R.S., Saiyalel S.N., Wayne R.K., Lacy R.C., Bruford M.W. 1996. Behavior predicts genetic structure in a wild primate group. Proceeding National Academy of Science 93:5797-5801.

Altmann J., Alberts S.C., Sapolsky R.M. 1992. Endocrine and developmental correlates of unilateral cryptorchidism in a wild baboon. American Journal of Primatology 26:309-314.

Altmann J., Altmann S.A., Hausfater G. 1978. Primate infant's effects on mother's future reproduction. Science. 201: 1028-1029.

Altmann J., Altmann S.A., Hausfater G. 1981. Physical maturation and age estimates of yellow baboons, Papio cynocephalus, in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. American Journal of Primatology 1:389-399.

Altmann J., Altmann S.A., Hausfater G., McCuskey S.A. 1977. Life history of yellow baboons: physical development, reproductive parameters and infant mortality. Primates 18:315-330.

Altmann J., Combes S.L., Alberts S.C. 2013. Papio cynocephalus Yellow Baboon. In: Butynski T.M., Kingdon J., Kalina J. (ed). Mammals of Africa Vol. II: Primates 228-232. Bloomsbury Publishing

Altmann J., Gesquiere L., Galbany J., Onyango P., Alberts S.C. 2010. The life history context of reproductive aging in a wild primate model. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1204:127-38.

Altmann J., Hausfater G., Altmann S.A. 1985. Demography of Amboseli baboons, 1963-1983. American Journal of Primatology 8:113-125.

Altmann J., Hausfater G., Altmann S.A. 1988. Determinants of reproductive success in savannah baboons Papio cynocephalus. Pp. 403-418. In: Clutton-Brock T.H. (ed.). Reproductive Success. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Altmann J., Lynch J.W., Nguyen N., Alberts S.C., Gesquiere L.R. 2004. Life-history correlates of steroid concentrations in wild peripartum baboon. American Journal of Primatology 64:95-106.

Altmann J., Muruthi P. 1988. Differences in daily life between semi-provisioned and wild-feeding baboons. American Journal of Primatology 15:213-222.

Altmann J., Samuels A. 1989. Upscale baboons. Natural History 5:60-63.

Altmann J. 1989 Primate males go where the females are. Animal behaviour 39: 193:194.

Altmann J., Samuels A. 1992. Costs of maternal care: infant-carrying in baboons. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 29:391-398.

Altmann J., Sapolsky R.M., Licht P. 1995. Baboon fertility and social status. Nature 377: 688-690.

Altmann J., Schoeller D., Altmann S.A., Muruthi P., Sapolsky R.M. 1993. Body size and fatness of free living baboons reflect food availabilty and activity levels. American Journal of Primatology 30:149-161.

Altmann, M., Altmann J. 1991. Models of status correlated bias in offspring sex ratio. American Naturalist 137:542-555.

Altmann S.A. 1970. The pregnancy sign in savannah baboons. Laboratory Animal Digest 6: 7-10. (Note: this article was re-printed in 1973 in The Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine 4: 8-12)

Altmann S.A. 1974. Baboons, space, time and energy. American Zoologist 14:221-248.

Altmann S.A. 1977. The acacia woodland of Amboseli National Park.  Current status and future prospects. Report to Director, Kenya National Parks.

Altmann S.A. 1979. Baboon progressions: order or chaos?  A study of one dimensional group geometry. Animal Behaviour 27:46-80.

Altmann S.A. 1985. The role of gums in the diet of baboons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66:139-140.

Altmann S.A. 1987. The impact of locomotor energetics on mammalian foraging. Journal of Zoology of London 211:215-225.

Altmann S.A. 1991. Diets of yearling female primates (Papio cynocephalus) predict lifetime fitness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 88:420-423.

Altmann S.A. 1998. Foraging for survival: yearling baboons in Africa. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Altmann S.A. 2006. Primate foraging adaptations: two research strategies. Ch. 9, pp. 243-262. In: Hohmann G., Robbins M.M., Boesch C. (eds.). Feeding Ecology in Apes and Other Primates. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Altmann S.A. 2009. Fallback foods, eclectic omnivores, and the packaging problem. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 140:615-629.

Altmann S.A., Altmann J. 1970. Baboon Ecology: African Field Research. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Altmann S.A., Altmann J. 1978. Research on baboons in Amboseli, 1963-78. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.

Altmann S.A.,  Altmann J. 1979. Demographic constraints on behavior and social organization. Pp. 47-63. In: Bernstein I.S., Smith E.O. (eds.). Primate Ecology and Human Origins. Garland STMP Press, New York.

Altmann S.A., Altmann J. 2003. The transformation of behaviour field studies. Animal Behaviour 65:413-423.

Altmann S.A., Post D.G., Klein D. 1987. Nutrients and toxins of plants in Amboseli, Kenya. African Journal of Ecology 25:279-293.

Altmann S.A., Wagner, S.S. 1970 Estimating rates of behavior from Hansen frequencies. Primates 11:181:183

Altmann S.A., Wagner, S.S. 1978. A general model of optimal diet. Resent Advances in Primatology 4:407-414

Anderson D.J. 1982. Baboon movement: exploring models of random movement. Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington.

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Anderson J.A., Johnston R.A., Lea A.J., Campos F.A., Voyles T.A., Akinyi M.Y., Alberts S.C., Archie E.A., Tung J. 2021. High social status males experience accelerated epigenetic aging in wild baboons. eLife 10:e66128.

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Anderson J.A., Lea A.J., Voyles T.N., Akinyi M.Y., Nyakundi R., Ochola L., Omondi M., Nyundo F., Zhang Y., Campos F.A., Alberts S.C., Archie E.A., Tung J. 2022. Distinct gene regulatory signatures of dominance rank and social bond strength in wild baboons. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 377:20200441. [Supplementary material , NCBI datasets PRJNA480672 , PRJNA731520 , and  PRJNA731674]


Anderson J.A., Lin D., Lea A.J., Johnston R.A., Voyles T.A., Akinyi M.Y., Archie E.A., Alberts S.C., Tung J. 2024. DNA methylation signatures of early-life adversity are exposure-dependent in wild baboons. PNAS 121:e2309469121. [NCBI datasets PRJNA970398, PRJNA871297]

Archie E.A., Altmann J., Alberts S.C. 2012. Social status predicts wound healing in wild baboons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109: 9017-9022. [Supplementary material]


Archie E.A., Altmann J., Alberts S.C. 2014. Costs of reproduction in a long-lived female primate: injury risk and wound healing. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68: 1183-1193.

Archie E.A., Tung J. 2015. Social behavior and the microbiome. Current Opinions in Behavioral Sciences 2015, 6:28–34.


Archie E. A., Tung J., Clark M., Altmann J., Alberts, S.C. 2014. Social affiliation matters: both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships predict survival in wild female baboons. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281(1793).

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Babbit C.C, Tung J., Wray G.A., Alberts, S.C., 2012. Changes in gene expression associated with reproductive maturation in wild female baboons. Genome Biology and Evolution 4:102-109. [Supplementary material]

Banks W.A., Altmann J., Sapolsky R.M., Phillips-Conroy J.E., Morley J.E. 2003. Serum leptin levels as a marker for a syndrome x-like condition in wild baboons. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 88:1234-1240.

Bayes M.K., Smith K.L., Alberts S.C., Cheesman D.J., Altmann J., Bruford M.W. 2000. Testing the reliability of microsatellite typing from faecal DNA in the savannah baboon. Conservation Genetics 1:173-176.

Beehner J., Gesquiere L., Seyfarth R.M., Cheney D.L., Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 2009. Testosterone related to age and life-history stages in male baboons and geladas. Hormones and Behavior 56:472-480[Supplementary material)]

Beehner J.C., Nguyen N., Wango E.O., Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 2006. The endocrinology of pregnancy and fetal loss in wild baboons. Hormones and Behavior 49:688-699.

Beehner J.C., Onderdonk D.A., Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 2006. The ecology of conception and pregnancy failure in wild baboons. Behavioral Ecology 17:741-750.

Björk J.R., Dasari M., Roche, K., Grieneisen L.,Gould T.J., Grenier J.C., Yotova V., Gottel N., Jansen D., Gesquiere L.R., Gordon J.B., Learn N.H., Wango T.L., Mututua R.S., Warutere J.K., Siodi L., Mukherjee, S., Barreiro L.B., Alberts S.C., Gilbert J.A., Tung J., Blekhman R., Archie E.A. 2022. Synchrony and idiosyncrasy in the gut microbiome of wild baboons. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6:955-964. [Supplementary material]

Bonnet T., Morrissey M.B., Villemereuil Pde., Alberts S.C., Arcese P., Bailey L.D., Boutin S., Brekke P., Brent L.J.N., Camenisch G., Charmantier A., Clutton-Brock T.H., Cockburn A., Coltman D.W., Courtiol A., Davidian E., Evans S.R., Ewen J.G., Festa-Bianchet M., Franceschi Cde., Gustafsson L., Höner O.P., Houslay T.M., Keller L.F., Manser M., McAdam A.G., McLean E., Nietlisbach P., Osmond H.L.,  Pemberton J.M., Postma E., Reid J.M., Rutschmann A., Santure A.W., Sheldon B.C., Slate J., Teplitsky C., Visser M.E., Wachter B., Kruuk L.E.B. 2022. Genetic variance in fitness indicates rapid contemporary adaptive evolution in wild animals. Science 376:1012-1101. [Supplementary material, Data S1Code S1]

Bronikowski A., Cords M., Alberts S.C., Altmann J., Brockman D.K., Fedigan L.M., Pusey A., Stoinski T., Strier K.B., Morris W.F.  2016. Female and male life tables for seven wild primate species. Scientific Data 3:160006.

Bronikowski A.M., Alberts S.C., Altmann J., Packer C., Carey K.D., Tatar M. 2002. The aging baboon: comparative demography in a nonhuman primate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 99:9591-9595.

Bronikowski A., Altmann J. 1996. Foraging in a variable environment: weather patterns and the behavioral ecology of baboons. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 39:11-25.

Bronikowski A., Webb C. 1996. Appendix: A critical examination of rainfall variability measures used in behavioral ecology studies. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 39:27-30.


Bronikowski A.M., Altmann J., Brockman D.K., Cords M., Fedigan L.M., Pusey A.E., Stoinski T., Morris W.F., Strier K.B., Alberts S.C. 2011. Aging in the natural world: comparative data reveal similar mortality patterns across primates. Science 331: 1325-1328. [Supplementary material]

Bruford M.W., Altmann J. 1993. DNA fingerprinting and the problem of paternity determination in an inbred captive population of guinea baboons,  Papio hamadryas papioPrimates 34:403-411.

Buchan J.C., Alberts S.C., Silk J.B., Altmann J. 2003. True paternal care in a multi-male primate society. Nature 425:179-181.

Buchan J.C., Archie E.A., Van Horn R.C., Moss C.J., Alberts S.C. 2005. Locus effects and sources of error in noninvasive genotyping. Molecular Biology Notes 5:680-683

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Campos F.A., Archie, E.A., Gesquiere, L.R., Tung, J. Alberts S.C. 2021. Glucocorticoid exposure predicts survival in female baboons. Science Advances 7:eabf6759. [Supplementary material]

Campos F.A., Altmann J., Cords M., Fedigan L.M., Lawler R., Lonsdorf E.V., Stoinski T.S., Strier K.B., Bronikowski A.M., Pusey A.E., Alberts S.C. 2022. Female reproductive aging in seven primate species: Patterns and consequences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(20):e2117669119. [Supplementary material]

Campos F.A., Morris W.F., Alberts S.C., Altmann J., Brockman D.K., Cords M., Pusey A., Stoinski T.S, Strier K.B., Fedigan L.M. 2017. Does climate variability influence the demography of wild primates? Evidence from long-term life-history data in seven species. Global Change Biology 23: 4907-4921. [Supplementary material]


Campos F.A., Villavicencio F., Archie E.A., Colchero F.,  Alberts S.C. 2020. Social bonds, social status and survival in wild baboons: a tale of two sexes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375:20190621. [Supplementary material]


Charpentier M.J.E., Fontaine M.C., Cherel E., Renoult J.P., Jenkins T., Benoit L., Barthes N., Alberts S.C., Tung J. 2012. Genetic structure in a dynamic baboon hybrid zone corroborates behavioral observations in a hybrid population. Molecular Ecology 21:715-731.  [Supplementary material]

Charpentier M.J.E., Tung J., Altmann J., Alberts S.C. 2008. Age at maturity in wild baboons: genetic, environmental and demographic influences. Molecular Ecology 17:2026–2040.

Charpentier M.J.E., Van Horn R.C., Altmann J., Alberts, S.C. 2008. Paternal effects on offspring fitness in a multi-male primate society. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences 105:1988–1992.

Cohen J.E. 1969. Natural primate troops and stochastic population models. American Naturalist 103:455-477.

Cohen J.E. 1971. Casual Groups of Monkeys and Men. Harvard University Press, Cambridge.

Cohen J.E. 1971. Social grouping and troop size in yellow baboons. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Primatology 1970 March 2-5 3:58-64.

Cohen J.E. 1972. Aping monkeys with mathematics. In: Tuttle R. (ed.). The Functional and Evolutionary Biology of Primates. Aldine-Atherton, Chicago.

Cohen J.E. 1972. Markov population processes as models of primate social and population dynamics. Theoretical Population Biology 3: 119-134.


Colchero F., Aburto J.M., Archie E.A., Boesch C., Breuer T., Campos F.A., Collins A., Conde D.A., Cords M., Crockford C., Thompson M.E., Fedigan L.M., Fichtel C., Groenenberg M., Hobaiter C., Kappeler P.M., Lawler R.R., Lewis R.J., Machanda Z.P., Manguette M.L., Muller M.N., Packer C., Parnell R.J., Perry S., Pusey A.E., Robbins M.M., Seyfarth R.M., Silk J.B., Staerk J., Stoinski T.S., Stokes E.J., Strier K.B., Strum S.C., Tung J., Villavicencio F., Wittig R.M., Wrangham R.W., Zuberbühler K., Vaupel J.W., Alberts S.C. 2021. The long lives of primates and the ‘invariant rate of ageing’ hypothesis. Nature Communications 12: 3666. [Supplementary data]

Colchero F., Rau R.,  Jones O.R., Barthold J.A., Conde D.A., Lenart A., Nemeth L.,  Scheuerlein A., Schoeley J., Torres C., Zarulli V., Altmann J., Brockman D.K., Bronikowski A.M., Fedigan L.M.,  Pusey A.E.,
Stoinski T.S., Strier K.B.,  Baudisch A., and Alberts S.C., Vaupel J.W. 2016. The emergence of longevous populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113:E7681-E7690. [Links to datasets are available in paper]

Combes S.L., Altmann J. 2001. Status Change During Adulthood: life-history byproduct or kin-selection based on reproductive value? Proceedings Royal Society London B 268:1367-1373.

Coote T., Bruford M.W. 1996. Human microsatellites applicable for analysis of genetic variation in apes and old world monkeys. Journal of Heredity 87:406-410.

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Devoto A.E., Santini J.M., Olm M.R., Anantharaman K., Munk P., Tung J., Archie E.A., Turnbaugh P.J., Seed K.D., Blekhman R., Aarestrup F.M., Thomas B.C., Banfield J.F. 2019. Megaphages infect Prevotella and variants are widespread in gut microbiomes. Nature Microbiology 4: 693–700. [Supplementary figures, Supplementary tables, Reporting summary]

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Ellis S., Johnstone R. A., Cant M. A., Franks D. W., Weiss M. N., Alberts S. C., Balcomb K. C., Benton C. H., Brent L. J. N., Crockford C., Davidian E., Delahay R.J., Ellifrit D. K., Höner O. P., Meniri M., McDonald R.A., Nichols H.J., Thompson F.J., Vigilant L., Wittig R.M., Croft D.P. 2022. Patterns and consequences of age-linked change in local relatedness in animal societies. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6:1799-1801. [Supplementary material]


Fan Y., Vilgalys T.P., Sun S., Peng Q., Tung J., Zhou X. 2019. IMAGE: high-powered detection of genetic effects on DNA methylation using integrated methylation QTL mapping and allele-specific analysis. Genome Biology 20:220.


Fitzpatrick, C.L. Altmann, J., Alberts, S.C. 2014. Sources of variance in a female fertility signal: exaggerated estrous swellings in a natural population of baboons. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68:1109-1122


Fitzpatrick C,L., Altmann J., Alberts S.C. 2015. Exaggerated sexual swellings and male mate choice in primates: testing the reliable indicator hypothesis in the Amboseli baboons. Animal Behaviour 104: 175-185

Fogel A.S., McLean E.M., Gordon J.B., Archie, E.A., Tung, J., Alberts S.C. 2021. Genetic ancestry predicts male–female affiliation in a natural baboon hybrid zone. Animal Behaviour 180:249-268.

Fogel A.S.*, Oduor P.O.*, Nyongesa A.W., Kimwele C.N., Alberts S.C., Archie E.A., Tung J. 2023. Ecology and age, but not genetic ancestry, predict fetal loss in a wild baboon hybrid zone. American Journal of Biological Anthropology 180;618-632 *these authors contributed equally.

Franz M., Alberts S.C. 2015. Social network dynamics: the importance of distinguishing between heterogeneous and homogeneous changes.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69: 2059-2069. [Supplementary material, S1 and R code]


Franz M., Altmann J., Alberts S.C. 2015. Knockouts of high-ranking males have limited impact on baboon social networks. Current Zoology 61:107–113.


Franz M., McLean E., Tung J., Altmann J., Alberts S.C. 2015.  Self-organizing dominance hierarchies in a wild primate population. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 282:20151512. [Supplementary material, Figures S1, S2 and Table S1]

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Galbany J., Altmann J., Pérez-Pérez A., Alberts S.C. 2011. Age and individual foraging behavior predict tooth wear in Amboseli baboons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144:51-59[Supplementary material]

Galbany J., Dotras L., Alberts S.C., Perez-Perez A., 2010. Tooth size variation related to age in Amboseli baboons. Folia Primatoligica 81: 348-359[Supplementary material Figures and Tables]

Galbany J., Romero, A., Mayo-Aleson M., Itsoma F., Gamarra B., Perez-Perez A., Willaume E., Kappeler P.M., Charpentier M.J.E. 2014. Age-related tooth wear differs between forest and savanna primates. PLoS One. 9: e94938.


Galbany J., Tung J., Altmann J., Alberts S.C. 2015. Canine size in wild male baboons from Amboseli: maturation, aging and social dominance rank.  PLoS ONE 10:e0126415.

Galezo A.A., Nolas M.A., Fogel A.S., Mututua R.S., Warutere J.K., Siodi I.L, Altmann J., Archie E.A., Tung J., Alberts S.C. 2022. Mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance in a wild primate. Current Biology 32:1607-1615. [Supplementary material S1 and S2]

dryadbuttonGesquiere L.R., Adjangba C., Wango T.L., Oudu V.K., Mututua R.S., Warutere J.K., Siodi I.L., Campos F.A., Archie E.A., Markham A.C., Alberts S.C. 2024. Thyroid hormone concentrations in female baboons: Metabolic consequences of living in a highly seasonal environment. Hormones and Behavior 161:105505. [Supplementary material]

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Gesquiere L.R., Learn N.H., Simao C.M., Onyango P.O., Alberts S.C., Altmann, J. 2011. Life at the top: rank and stress in wild male baboons. Science 333: 357-360[Supplementary material][Podcast with Jeanne Altmann]

Gesquiere L.R., Onyango P.O., Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 2010. Endocrinology of year-round reproduction in a highly seasonal habitat: environmental variability in testosterone and glucocorticoids in baboon males. American Journal of Physical Anthroplogy 144: 169-176.

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Gesquiere L.R., Wango E.O., Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 2007. Mechanisms of sexual selection: sexual swellings and estrogen concentrations as fertility indicators and cues for male consort decisions in wild baboons. Hormones and Behavior 51: 114-125.


Gesquiere L.R., Ziegler T.E., Chen P.A., Epstein K.A., Alberts S.C., Altmann J.A. 2014. Measuring fecal testosterone in females and fecal estrogen in males: comparison of RIA and LC/MS/MS methods for wild baboons (Papio cynocephalus). General and Comparative Endocrinology 204: 141-149.

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Gogarten J., Rühlemann M., Archie E.A., Tung J., Akoua-Koffi C., Bang C., Deschner T., Muyembe-Tamfun J.J., Robbins M.M., Schubert G., Surbeck M., Wittig R.M., Zuberbühler K., Baines J.F., Franke A., Leendertz F.H., Calvignac-Spencer S. 2021. Primate phageomes are structured by superhost phylogeny and environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e2013535118. [Supplementary data, Sequence data at NCBI PRJNA692042, PRJNA271618, DDBJ  ERP104379]

Grieneisen L.E., Charpentier M.J.E., Alberts S.C., Blekhman R., Bradburd G., Tung J., Archie E.A. 2019. Genes, geology and germs: gut microbiota across a primate hybrid zone are explained by site soil properties, not host species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286:20190431. [Supplementary materialSupplementary table]

Grieneisen L., Dasari M., Gould T.J., Björk J.R., Grenier J., Yotova V., Jansen D., Gottel N., Gordon J.B., Learn N.H., Gesquiere L.R., Wango T.L., Mututua R.S., Warutere J.K., Siodi L., Gilbert J.A., Barreiro L.B., Alberts S.C., Tung* J., Archie* E.A., Blekhman* R. 2021. Gut microbiome heritability is nearly universal but environmentally contingent. Science 373:181-186 *these authors contributed equally. [Supplementary material, Supplementary tables, Sequence data ERP119849]


Grieneisen L.G.,  Livermore J., Alberts S.C., Tung J. Archie E.A. 2017. Group living and male dispersal predict the core gut microbiome in wild baboons. Integrative and Comparative Biology [Supplementary material]

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Lange E.C., Griffin M., Fogel A.S., Archie E.A., Tung J., Alberts S.C. 2023. Environmental, sex-specific and genetic determinants of infant social behaviour in a wild primate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290:20231597.

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